級(jí)別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 18 個(gè)
工控威望: 115 點(diǎn)
下載積分: 625 分
在線時(shí)間: 9(小時(shí))
注冊(cè)時(shí)間: 2014-07-17
最后登錄: 2014-11-12
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樓主  發(fā)表于: 2014-07-19 20:54
dear everybody
please hepl me upload plc schneider  model: TWDLCAA24DRF
I have a question for everyone i hepl everyone help me
i have a types plc schneider model: TWDLCAA24DRF, i when upload programs data all in plc but me upload being error
i have a question for your help, i have found errors when i upload plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF, but programs plc being unlock password . those errors . could you help please. for me a software to fix opening password plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF, what is software opening password plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF? please. can you give me a link ? I to fix open
pasword plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF, thank you so much for your time and consideration.
級(jí)別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 18 個(gè)
工控威望: 115 點(diǎn)
下載積分: 625 分
在線時(shí)間: 9(小時(shí))
注冊(cè)時(shí)間: 2014-07-17
最后登錄: 2014-11-12
查看letranlong的 主題 / 回貼
1樓  發(fā)表于: 2014-07-21 19:39

everybody haven't help me
級(jí)別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 18 個(gè)
工控威望: 115 點(diǎn)
下載積分: 625 分
在線時(shí)間: 9(小時(shí))
注冊(cè)時(shí)間: 2014-07-17
最后登錄: 2014-11-12
查看letranlong的 主題 / 回貼
2樓  發(fā)表于: 2014-07-22 15:44
級(jí)別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 18 個(gè)
工控威望: 115 點(diǎn)
下載積分: 625 分
在線時(shí)間: 9(小時(shí))
注冊(cè)時(shí)間: 2014-07-17
最后登錄: 2014-11-12
查看letranlong的 主題 / 回貼
3樓  發(fā)表于: 2014-07-29 02:34
I'm from vietnamese
and you?
級(jí)別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 18 個(gè)
工控威望: 115 點(diǎn)
下載積分: 625 分
在線時(shí)間: 9(小時(shí))
注冊(cè)時(shí)間: 2014-07-17
最后登錄: 2014-11-12
查看letranlong的 主題 / 回貼
4樓  發(fā)表于: 2014-07-30 05:45
yes  TWIDO PLC model: TWDLCAA24DRF, but programs plc being unlock password . those errors . could you help please. for me a software to fix         opening password plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF, what is software opening password plc model: TWDLCAA24DRF? please. can you give me a link ?        I to fix open
I very need software unlock password TWIDO PLC
model : TWDLCAA24DRF,
thank you so much for your time and consideration.